Pretty Eveel Adventures

Pretty Eveel Adventures: June 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My weekend in pics

I've been crazy busy at work and under a tremendous amount of pressure. So weekends, when I get to spend time with my boys, is especially special.

Ipin and Upin at the playground. This thing scares me,
I'm always terrified that they'll slip through the gap!

Upin practising his side-kicks!

My lil Ipin working the camera!

Someone once mentioned that Upin always has a 'whhaaaat?' look.

And Ipin, on the other hand, always looks like he's hatcing a plan to take over the world.
If he's Brain then does that make Upin, Pinky?

AND he's wearing a Bart Simpson T-shirt???

The Kinder Bueno egg that Ipin is carrying looks very much like Mr Eveel's head! lol.

Here he is- the RING LEADER MIK!

Upin, the kaypoh one engaging the grandmas in idle chatter!
