Pretty Eveel Adventures

Pretty Eveel Adventures: August 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


What does it say about your blog, if a substantial percentage of readers were directed to your site from a website called



Monday, August 22, 2011

walks with my men...

The twins are accustomed to walks at least twice a day. Once, right after their morning bath and before their morning nap around 8.15am. And another time at about 5.30pm after their bath and before their milk and bedtime.

They love their walks, often spent babbling to each other while admiring the sights of the old estate. They're so accustomed to these walks, which have become part of their wind-down routine, that they'd often get very edgy, when for some reason or the other, they don't go for a walk. Usually, a spin in the car would do the trick.

Not only do they enjoy their walk. We often find that it let's us, care-givers unwind. And since, it always takes more than one person to care for the twins. The walk would allow at least 1 care-giver, often my mum, a chance to shower, watch some tv and catch a breather. So it's a win-win all round!

The twins have been lucky. I walked them daily when I was on maternity leave. And hubby's been walking them twice a day while he's been home over the last two months. And on some special days, we even take them on walks further afield.

Last Saturday, we enjoyed a cool breezy walk at Upper Pierce Reservoir.

My men...

If there's one thing we will always have as a family, it will definitely be our walks!


strawberry is soooo me!

berry berry strawberry
The latest addition to my wardrobe, courtesy of my fabulous talented seamstress mother is this delightful strawberry printed skirt. Got the fabric when I was out shopping for my material for my hari raya baju this year.

It's Japanese cotton by the way. And i thought the print was TOOO cute! So I just HAD to have it! Got my mother to sew me a skirt. And wanted a more vintage-y, mad-men-ish look. She kept saying, isn't it too long? Isn't it too flared?

No no no mum! I love it! I do!



Monday, August 15, 2011

turning 32: a dedication to my mother and those I love, and who love me.

i thought the day i turned 32 was as good as any other day to resume blogging...

The family celebrated my birthday yesterday. Over post-sahur chat with my mum, I said, " I can't imagine celebrating the twins 32nd birthday." This morning, when she kissed and hugged me and wished me happy birthday, " She whispered...32 years ago, today...." and left it at that.

Mum and me (boy, does Ipin look like me here or what?)

Now, a new mother myself (it's only been 6 months and 10 days in counting) I've only just begun to appreciate the depths of a mother's love and sacrifice. Not only did she carry for 9 months and 1 week (this morning my father reminded me that I was a week overdue), she cared for me through all my childhood, bared with my teenage tantrums and after 31 years, she's still as much a mother to me as she was on the day I was born. I cannot imagine life without my mother's love and support. I am only who I am today because of my mother. I can only hope that at 32, the twins will look back and appreciate me half as much as I appreciate my mother (No point giving myself impossible standards to attain!).

Last year, I was in no mood to celebrate my birthday. I was suffering from first trimester blues and nauseas all the time, and I was sickened with fear that my pregnancy would end as quickly as the first one.  I remember telling the family, that all I wanted was gifts in the form of prayers, to pray that my pregnancy would be healthy, and that I'd be able to carry the babies to term. Our prayers were answered and my 31st birthday gift  arrived on 05 Feb 2011.

This year, I am truly in the mood to celebrate. After all, what more can a 32 year old wish for other than a loving family (supportive husband included) complete with a pair of amazing twin-bubs.

Ipin and Upin real names revealed!

Thank you all for your birthday wishes! This year is going to be amazing, I can feel it in my bones... =)

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